5.1 SecureDELTA Test Files

  SecureDELTA Test Files:

We've used test files from the “Incremental Compression Benchmark” tests of Matt Mahoney. The tests are explained on this page, here.

The reason for choosing these test files:


Files are publicly available for download and test. Test Files can be downloaded from this link.

Other test results are available on this page.

You can compare our results below with other publicly available result.

Test data description:

"The test data (88 MB, compressed with zpaq -method 2) consists of two directories:

mingw44 - 116 MB in 1409 files in 215 directories.

mingw45 - 152 MB in 1522 files in 362 directories."

SecureDELTA works like most leading competitor software, accepting only two files for input. Therefor, as a precondition to our tests, the above folders have been compacted separately, with a storing option, in two different files.


These two files have roughly the same sizes as Matt’s test files (zip headers added a few extra KBytes):

mingw_44.stored  - size: 111 MiBytes

mingw_45.stored  - size: 152 MiBytes