6.8 Special Offers Page
6.7 Special Offers Page
agersoftware has given a great deal of attention to trademarks!
We fully recognizes existing trademarks and trademark owners while constantly filling application for our own trademarks.
We fully understand that a trademark "ownership" is not absolute.
Here is an excerpt from LEGAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. See original text here
"...you can use a trademark belonging to another person or company if you use the mark for:
- informational or editorial purposes to identify specific products and services, or
- if your use is part of an accurate comparative product statement."
agersoftware srl claims the full ownwership and the full rights of usage of the following trademarks:
- SecureUPDATE
- SecureDELTA
- SecureENCODE
- SecureDECODE
- SecurePATCH
- SecureWIZARD
- SecureCMDLine
- SecurePackage
- SecureCMD
- SecureSDK
- SecurePKG
More details online on our page here.